For over four decades, QAD has been the trusted partner for manufacturers navigating the ever-evolving landscape of global production. Our industry-leading Manufacturing ERP software, developed through countless customer collaborations, equips you to thrive in a dynamic world. Imagine a world where your agility and resilience are unshakeable. Disruptions and fluctuating demands become opportunities for growth. QAD's solutions empower you to respond rapidly, optimize efficiency, and achieve unwavering customer service. This is the hallmark of a truly Adaptive Enterprise – one that QAD helps you build, together.
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  • How to Choose the Right ERP Partner?
    Choosing the right ERP partner is crucial for navigating today’s complex business environment. Symptoms that signal the need for an ERP evaluation include reliance on outdated systems like spreadsheets and shared drives, data accuracy issues, and the lack of a...
  • A man and a woman sitting at a computer as the woman points at the screen and comtemplates something | training CloudRock
    How Manufacturers Can Thrive in the New Age of Disruption
    In today’s volatile manufacturing landscape, businesses face unprecedented challenges, from supply chain upheavals to shifting market dynamics. The 2020 pandemic was a stark reminder of how quickly global disruptions can impact operations. However, thriving amidst these uncertainties requires more than...
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Articles / Case Studies / Videos
  • 6 Steps to Increasing Profit Through Workforce Engagement
    A recent Gallup study reveals that employee engagement in manufacturing has reached an 11-year low, with only 30% feeling involved and enthusiastic, largely due to a lack of purpose, recognition, and effective communication, leading to high turnover rates and emphasizing the need for a worker-centric approach to improve retention and productivity.
  • Quickly and Decisively – How to Become an Adaptive Enterprise
    Simon Ellis of IDC emphasizes that achieving digital maturity through a holistic approach enables adaptive enterprises to react quickly and decisively to disruptions, ultimately leading to improved financial performance.
  • SAM manufacturer Acumatica
    2024 Spring Product Launch: Empowering Manufacturers for the future
    QAD's 2024 Spring Product Launch introduces transformative enhancements aimed at empowering manufacturers to become Adaptive Enterprises and tackle modern industry challenges. Key updates include the Packaged Shop Floor Solutions, which integrate QAD ERP, QAD Production Execution, and QAD Redzone Connected Workforce to optimize shop floor operations, boost productivity, and enhance employee engagement. Additionally, the new QAD Process Intelligence leverages AI to analyze and improve existing processes, facilitating faster and more accurate insights into operational workflows. The launch also previews the QAD Integration Platform, designed to streamline data exchange across operations, and highlights advancements in AI with the QAD Global Trade and Transportation Execution (GTTE) Product Classification solution. Enhanced features in QAD EQMS and a refreshed QAD Digital Commerce platform further improve user experience and operational efficiency. For specialized needs, the new QAD Defense Cloud caters to defense industry manufacturers. Explore these innovations to future-proof your business and drive success.
  • Manufacturers Need to Leave Periodic Transformation to the Cicadas
    Cicadas are large, relatively benign insects native to the U.S., famous for their periodic, synchronized emergences. This spectacular event will bring billions of cicadas emerging from the ground in a cacophonous symphony. Their brief yet dramatic transformation from underground nymphs...
  • How to Address Stock Loss with Process Intelligence
    Stock loss impacts various industries, from automotive to packaging. Discover how Process Intelligence can uncover inefficiencies and reduce costs.
  • Top 5 Warning Signs Your Business Needs a New ERP System
    Deciding to invest in a new ERP system is a significant choice that can lead to long-term gains despite initial risks. Key indicators that your company may need a new ERP include: Excessive Manual Processes: Relying on spreadsheets or paper...
  • 5 Ways to Avoid Risk When Moving on to a New ERP
    When considering an ERP system upgrade, many manufacturers opt for the status quo due to fears of change and perceived effort. However, delaying ERP replacement can lead to growing inefficiencies and strategic setbacks. Understanding common risks and how to address...
  • image of a crossroads | technical debt
    Customer Case Study: NOBLE BIOMATERIALS
    Noble Biomaterials, a global leader in medical device manufacturing and antimicrobial products, faced significant challenges due to rapid growth and an outdated ERP system. Originally used mainly for financial management, their ERP had become cluttered with disparate third-party solutions and...
  • A manufacturing shop floor showing several, orange robot arms ready to start assembling | Global Shop Solutions planning
    Customer Case Study: Integration Success with the QAD Industrial Transformation Platform
    Customer Case Study: Integration Success with the QAD Industrial Transformation Platform The Companies: Three diverse manufacturers—Beckett Air, Jel Sert, and Pharmacal—have harnessed the power of the QAD Industrial Transformation Platform to build adaptive enterprises. Beckett Air, based in Ridgeville, Ohio,...